![]() Pavillon Vachon Université Laval, Québec Québec G1K 7P4 Canada
In 2006 I completed my Master degree on biology at the Université Laval under the supervision of Warwick F. Vincent and Ramon Massana. The title of the mémoire was “Dynamique microbienne dans un écosystème côtier arctique: La transition hiver – printemps” (Microbial dynamics in an arctic shelf ecosystem: the winter – spring transition). On it I present the work realized onboard the icebreaker CCGS Amundsen, which was frozen into the ice in Franklin Bay, adjacent to the Beaufort Sea, during 2003 / 04 as part of the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES). This allowed continuous sampling throughout winter and spring and provided a unique opportunity to evaluate microbial dynamics during a period of continuous ice cover. This work presents a description of the microbial community dynamics over winter and spring as well as the influence of nutrients when these ice-covered communities are exposed to light. At that moment I am an Oceanography PhD candidate at the Université Laval under the supervision of Connie Lovejoy and Warwick F. Vincent. The title of my project is “Carbon Pathways and succession in Arctic microbial communities”. My study focuses on the microbial succession in Arctic waters using molecular techniques (DGGE, qPCR, clone libraries) and relates the microbial community composition to environmental factors. Also, I am interested in the flow of carbon through the microbial food web and part of my work is focused on studying this subject by way of molecular techniques.
Massana, R., Guillou, L., Terrado, R., Forn, I. and Pedros-Alio, C., 2006. Growth of uncultured heterotrophic flagellates in unamended seawater incubations. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 45(2): 171-180. |
Massana, R., Terrado, R., Forn, I., Lovejoy, C. and Pedros-Alio, C., 2006. Distribution and abundance of uncultured heterotrophic flagellates in the world oceans. Environmental Microbiology, 8(9): 1515-1522. |
Terrado, R., 2006. Dynamique microbienne dans un écosystème côtier arctique: La transition hiver – printemps, Université Laval, Quebec, 100 pp. |
Lovejoy, C., Vincent, W. F., Bonilla, S., Roy, S., Martineau, M.-J., Terrado, R., Potvin, M., Massana, R., Pedros-Alio, C., 2007. Distribution, phylogeny and growth of cold-adapted picoprasinophytes in arctic seas. Journal of Phycology, 43: doi: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2006.310.x. |
Terrado, R., Lovejoy, C., Massana, R. and Vincent, W.F., 2007. Microbial food web responses to light and nutrients beneath arctic sea ice during the winter-spring transition. Journal of Marine Systems, Submitted. |