Protocols / ADAPT
ADAPT Standard Protocols
Since integration is the key to ADAPT's success, ADAPT has developed standard protocols to coordinate and increase common fieldwork sampling/record efforts. The aim is to optimize intersite comparisons, maximise exchange and use of data/information produced by each of the four ADAPT modules at all ADAPT sites. The standard protocols developed are the following:
- ADAPT Active Layer Sampling standard protocol for C/H/N determination
- ADAPT Vegetation standard description protocol
- ADAPT Permafrost Drilling with Core Recovery standard protocol
- ADAPT Borehole Monitoring standard protocol
- ADAPT Active Layer Monitoring standard protocol
- ADAPT Organic Layer sampling protocol for C14 and C13 determination
- ADAPT small mammal abundance monitoring protocol and datasheets
In addition to these standard sampling protocols, samples must be sent to CEN (Université Laval) for laboratory analyses to ensure the analyses are standardized across all ADAPT subprojects (instrumentation used, treatment methods, etc.). Principle laboratory analyses and measurements are further described in the section below. All data recorded and produced with these ADAPT standard protocols will be published on the Nordicana D database ( and the metadata will also be available on the Polar Data Catalogue portal (
In general, ADAPT standard protocols are applied at all ADAPT sites. However, because of funding and logistical limitations, some protocols may not be applied at the most remote sites, in particular the borehole monitoring protocol which requires expensive sensors and data acquisition systems (dataloggers), as well as complex logistics for transporting the heavy drilling material.
Do not forget to download and print as many table 1, 2 and 3 as needed before going in the Arctic for your fieldwork campaign.