Research teams

The following list includes all researchers and collaborators of ArcticWOLVES arranged by countries.


Gilles Gauthier, Université Laval (project leader)

Dominique Berteaux, Université du Québec à Rimouski (project leader)

Kenneth Abraham, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Joël Bêty, Université du Québec à Rimouski

Suzanne Carrière, Government of the Northwest Territories

Robert L. Jefferies, University of Toronto

Charles J. Krebs, University of British Columbia

Josée Lefebvre, Canadian Wildlife Service

Esther Lévesque, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Douglas Morris, Lakehead University

R.I. Guy Morrison, Canadian Wildlife Service

Donald Reid, Wildlife Society of Canada


Scott Bergen, Wildlife Conservation Society of Canada

Fikret Berkes, University of Manitoba

Lorraine Brandson, Eskimo Museum of Churchill

Bonnie Chartier, resident of Churchill

Dorothy Cooley, Yukon Department of Environment

Cam Elliot, Parks Canada

Alain Fontaine, Canadian Wildlife Service

LeeAnn Fishback, Churchill Northern Study Center

Scott Gilbert, Yukon College

Paul Grogan, Queen's University

David Guttman, University of Toronto

Siu-Ling Han, Canadian Wildlife Service

Hugh Henry, University of Western Ontario

Jack Hughes, Canadian Wildlife Service

Ernie Hunter, resident of Moosonee

Andrew Jano, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Vicky Johnston, Canadian Wildlife Service

Catherine Kennedy, Yukon Department of Environment

Philip McLoughlin, University of Saskatchewan

David Mossop, Yukon College

Gary Mouland, Parks Canada

Austin Reed, Canadian Wildlife Service

Carrie Sadowski, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Jennifer Simard, First Nations at Moose Factory

Michael Spence, mayor of Churchill

David Qamaniq, mayor of Pond Inlet

Lyle Walton, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows

Som Ale (PDF), Lakehead University

Frédéric Bilodeau (PhD), Université Laval

Elise Bolduc (MSc), Université du Québec à Rimouski

Cassandra Cameron (MSc), Université du Québec à Rimouski

Madeleine Doiron (PhD), Université Laval

Angelique Dupuch (PDF), Lakehead University

Kate Edwards (PhD), University of Toronto

David Duchesne (MSc), Université Laval

Catherine-Alexandra Gagnon (PhD), Université du Québec à Rimouski

Daniel Gallant (PhD), Université du Québec à Rimouski

Linda Gormezano (PhD), American Museum of Natural History

Emma Horrigan (MSc), University of Toronto

Jean-Rémi Julien (MSc), Université Laval

Pierre Legagneux (PDF), Université Laval

Laura McKinnon (PhD), Université du Québec à Rimouski

Jennifer Robus (MSc), Trent University

Arnaud Tarroux (PhD), Université du Québec à Rimouski

Jean-François Therrien (PhD), Université Laval

Loïc Valéry (PDF), Université Laval

Marc-André Valiquette (MSc), Université Laval

United States

Richard Lanctot, US Fish & Wildlife Service (steering committee member)

Jonathan R. Bart, US Geological Survey

Brad Andres, US Fish and Wildlife Service

Stephen Brown, Manomet Centre for Conservation Science

Susan L. Earnst, US Geological Survey

Brian McCaffery, US Fish & Wildlife Service

Robert F. Rockwell, American Museum of Natural History

Catherine Wightman, US Geological Survey


Eva Fuglei, Norwegian Polar Institute (steering committee member)

Rolf Ims, University of Tromsø

Nigel Yoccoz, University of Tromsø

Dorothee Ehrich, University of Tromsø

Ronny Aanes, Norwegian Polar Institute

Harald Steen, Norwegian Polar Institute

Nina Eide, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research


Andrej Glotov, Nenetski Nature Reserve

Alexander Sokolov, Ecological Research Station of Labytnangi

Vladimir Pozdnyakov, International Biological Station "Lena-Nordenskjöld"

Irina Menyushina, Wrangel Island State Nature Reserve

Bart Ebbinge, Alterra Research Center

Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows

Nicolas Lecomte (PDF), University of Tromsø

Ivan Pokrovsky (PhD), Russian Academy of Science and University of Tromsø

Anna Kosorukova (PhD), Russian Academy of Science and University of Tromsø

Lilia Doronina (MSc), University of Moscow and University of Tromsø

Gunhild Skostad (MSc), University of Tromsø


Anders Angerbjörn, University of Stockholm (steering committee member)

Kjell Danell, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


Maarten Loonen, University of Groningen (steering committee member)

Rudi Drent, University of Groningen

Bart Ebbinge, Centre for Ecosystem Studies

Bruno Ens, Alterra-Texel

Marcel Klaassen , NIOO-KNAW

Mennobart van Eerden

Marianne Walgreen, Polar program


Konstantin Litvin, Moscow Bird Ringing Centre (steering committee member)

Vasiliy Baranyuk, Wrangel Island Nature Reserve

Alexander Gruzdev, Wrangel Island State Nature Reserve

Irina Menyushina, Wrangel Island State Nature Reserve

Nikita Ovsyanikov, Wrangel Island State Nature Reserve


Peter Aastrup, National Environmental Research Institute (steering committee member)

Mads Forchhammer, University of Copenhagen

Jesper Madsen, National Environmental Research Institute

Hans Meltofte, National Environmental Research Institute

Mikkel Tamstorf, National Environmental Research Institute

Niels Martin Schmidt, National Environmental Research Institute


Heikki Henttonen, Finnish Forestry Research Centre (steering committee member)


Julia Stahl, University of Oldenburg

United Kingdom

Kendrew Colhoun, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust