
Goose monitoring

Snow goose abundance

Goose nesting success [datasheet]

Goose brood size [datasheet]

Avian predator monitoring

Raptor abundance [datasheets]

Raptor and seabird behavioral

Raptor and seabird diet using isotopes [datasheet]

Raptor and seabird food habits [datasheet]

Raptor and seabird nesting success [datasheet]

Seabird and non-colonial goose abundance [datasheets]

Shorebird and insect monitoring

Shorebird monitoring [cheat sheet] [datasheets]

Shorebird nest monitoring using cameras

Artificial nest monitoring [datasheet]

Arthropod monitoring [datasheet]

Small mammal monitoring

Small mammal abundance [datasheets]

Lemming radio tracking

Habitat selection

Snow fence experiment

Parasites in small mammals

Lemming winter nest analysis

Fox monitoring

Den search [datasheet]

Den monitoring [datasheet]

Sampling for isotopic analyses [datasheets]

Sampling fox scats for diet or genetics [datasheet]

Plant monitoring

Standing crop and primary production [datasheets]

Weather monitoring

Weather conditions [datasheets]

Other protocols

Incidental observation monitoring [datasheet]

Weasel monitoring

Checklist survey form - Nunavut birds

