Rapport final ArcticWOLVES (disponible en anglais seulement)
Rapport final de synthèse 2011
Publications ArcticWOLVES (disponible en anglais seulement)
Liste de publications 2007-2015
Rapports de terrain (disponible en anglais seulement)
Rapport de terrain 2009
Rapport de terrain 2008
Rapport de terrain 2007
Publications (disponible en anglais seulement)
Chaînes alimentaires d'ArcticWOLVES
Gauthier, G., Berteaux, D., 2007. Arctic Wildlife Observatories
Linking Vulnerable EcoSystems (ArcticWOLVES). A study of the impact of
climate change on tundra wildlife. Rencontre API, Ottawa, October 2007.
Cape Churchill Peninsula, Parc national Wapusk, Manitoba
Jefferies, R.L., R.F. Rockwell, and K.F. Abraham. 2003. The embarrassment of riches: agricultural food subsidies, high goose numbers, and loss of Arctic wetlands - a continuing saga. Environmental Reviews 11:193-232.
Walker Bay, Kent Peninsula, Territoire du Nunavut
Morris, D.W., B.P. Kotler, J.S. Brown, V. Sundararaj, and S.B. Ale. 2009. Behavioral indicators for conserving mammal diversity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1162:334-356.
Morris, D.W., and S. Mukherjee. 2007. Can we measure carrying capacity with foraging behavior? Ecology 88:597-604.
Morris, D.W. 2004. Some crucial consequences of adaptive habitat selection by predators and prey: apparent mutualisms, competitive ghosts, habitat abandonment, and spatial structure. Israel Journal of Zoology 50:207-232.
Morris, D.W., D.L. Davidson, and C.J. Krebs. 2000. Measuring the ghost of competition: insights from density-dependent habitat selection on the coexistence and dynamics of lemmings. Evolutionary Ecology Research 2:41-67.
Île Bylot, parc national Sirmilik, Territoire du Nunavut
Gauthier, G., J.-F. Giroux, A. Reed, A. Béchet, and L. Bélanger. 2005. Interactions between land use, habitat use, and population increase in Greater Snow Geese: what are the consequences for natural wetlands? Global Change Biology 11:856-868.
Gauthier, G., J. Bêty, J.-F. Giroux, and L. Rochefort. 2004. Trophic interactions in a high Arctic Snow Goose colony. Integrative and Comparative Biology 44:119-129.
Gauthier, G., L. Rochefort, and Austin Reed. 1996. The exploitation of wetland ecosystems by herbivores on Bylot Island. Geoscience Canada 23:253-259.
Allard, M. 1996. Geomorphological changes and permafrost dynamics: key factors in changing arctic ecosystems. An example from Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canada. Geoscience Canada 22:205-212.
Eureka, Territoire du Nunavut
Tener, J.S. 1963. Queen Elizabeth Islands game survey, 1961. Canadian Wildlife Service, Occasional Paper No. 4, 49 pp.
Parmelee, D.F. and S.D. MacDonald. 1960. The birds of west-central Ellesmere Island and adjacent areas. Natural Museaum of Canada. Bulletin No. 169, 103 pp.
Alert, Territoire du Nunavut
Morrison, R.I.G., N.C. Davidson, and T. Piersma. 2005. Transformations at high latitudes: why do Red Knots bring body stores to the breeding grounds? Condor 107:449-457.
Cartar, R.V. and R.I.G. Morrison. 2005. Metabolic correlates of leg length in breeding arctic shorebirds: the cost of getting high. Journal of Biogeography 32:377-382.
Morrison, R.I.G. and K.A. Hobson. 2004. Use of body stores in shorebirds after arrival on high-arctic breeding grounds. Auk 121:333-344.