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Team / Collaborators


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ADAPT will also benefit from a remarkable set of collaborators from diverse organizations (listed below) in Canada and abroad, who will contribute additional skills to our research and to our advanced HQP training.

M. Darrow (University of Alaska Fairbanks); L. Gosselin, C. Lovejoy and S. Boudreau (Université Laval); R. Brown (Ouranos Consortium and Environment Canada); D. Mate and A.-M. Leblanc (Natural Resources Canada); C. Chuske (Los Alamos National Laboratory); F. Domine (Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement); I. Laurion and B. Long (INRS Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement); V. Walker (Queen's University); T. Christensen (Lund University); S. Frolking (University of New Hampshire, Institute for Earth, Ocean and Space); R. Hall and T. W. D. Edwards (University of Waterloo); S. V. Kokelj (Indian and Northern Affairs); C. J.. Krebs (University of British Columbia); L. Fishback (Churchill Northern Studies Centre); M. Simpson (Physical and Environmental Sciences); G. Velle (University of Bergen - Norway); J. Béty (Université du Québec à Rimouski); V. Hausner (University of Tromso - Norway); P. Verhaar (Université de Montréal); K. S. Christoffersen (University of Copenhagen - Danemark); A. Franke (University of Alberta, Canadian Circumpolar Institute); J. D. Jacobs and L. Hermanutz (Memorial University of Newfoundland); D. R. Mueller (University of Carleton); A. D. Jungblut (Natural History Museum); Melissa Lafrenière (Queen's University); Rudy Boonstra (University of Toronto); Dr. Rudolf Jaffe (Florida International University); Antoni Lewkowicz (University of Ottawa); Hugues Lantuit (Page21); Bronwyn Benkert, Lacia Kinnear (Yukon Research Center); Jeff Bond, Kristen Kennedy, Sarah Laxton (Energy, Mines and Resources, Gouvernment of Yukon); Joao Canario (IPIMAR, Portugal); Antonio Quesada (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain); Bo Elberling, Anders Prieme and Anders Michelsen (University of Copenhagen); Nicolas Lecomte and Malik Awan (Department of Environment, Government of Nunavut, Igloolik); Eva Fuglei (Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromso, Norway); Bernhard Chapligin (Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Potsdam, Germany); Denis Lacelle (U. of Ottawa), A. Lohila (Finnish Meteorological Institute - Helsinki, Finland); P. Crill (Stockholm University, Sweden); A. Persson and A. Lindroth (Lund University); M. Nilsson (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Umea, Sweden).